Our Alumni

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANovember 2013 1 November 2013 3 November 2013 7 June 23 2014 5 June 23 2014 6 June 23 2014 1

“Sonny has won our hearts.  Last night, he went through the house with such curiosity.  He used both litter boxes before I could add the litter you gave us.  He also likes to play in the litter boxes.  He made us laugh. This morning, he greeted us with a lot of chatter and rubbing himself against us.  He ate both can food and dry food throughout the night.  He has an amazing personality.  Sonny loves to play and be held.  He and I played with his toys and took a nap together today.  He has been so good using his scratching posts immediately when he saw them.  He tried to get on the kitchen counter from the kitchen chair but when I told him No, he stopped and got off the chair.  He minds so well.   While I was eating lunch, he wanted to be held.  He is so sweet.  We are so happy to have him with us and will shower him with lots of love.”  J. from MN

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“Thought I would check in and let you know that Ace is doing very well! He is very active, curious and adventurous. We have seen his climbing skills as we have yet to figure out a way to keep him out of the living room! I have one picture here that shows him climbing over the gate very easily. He “talks” a lot and loves attention! We are very happy with him as part of our family.” J. from MA

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“Brutus is doing so well–he has adjusted and is right at home! He is playful, friendly and so smart. He eats frequently and I have been giving him a little ground beef occasionally which he loves–devours it like a little lion! He naps on my lap whenever I am at the computer and meows to play and then purrs to let you know he’s enjoying himself. He is affectionate with the kids and will nap in the middle of the homework table at night or walk around on their books, it’s very funny.
He knows what time I get up in the morning and he is like a little rooster–waiting to get the day going! He is really wonderful, and we love him dearly.” J. from CT

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“Blanca is the sweetest kitty (not really a kitty anymore actually.. she grew a lot! ) on Earth. She makes us all happy, and we give her all our love.
Very often, I work very late at night on the computer, and Blanca keeps me company. I am always surprised and feels very lucky to have her. She comes and jumps on my laps, and tuck her head under my arm, for me to pet her, and she purrs, and purrs. Sometimes, we leave the door of our bedroom open ( we tried to keep it close to prevent the allergies, but things have been great), and in the morning, just before the alarm clock rings, Blanca comes and tucks her head in my neck, and kneads, and purrs again. It is so sweet. Other than that, she has been in great health. She is eating very well, wet and dry food, and grew a lot.”   S.  from NY

  • Photo of Cats

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